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Status Registered PAN No. FIIE201600000050051
Registration No. 255657
Proprietor Royal Mail Group Limited
100 Victoria Embankment
London EC4Y 0HQ
Description of Mark MAILSHOTMAKER
Goods & Services Class: 16
Printed matter; stationery; envelopes; continuous stationery; business documents; official documents; business forms; business cards; official forms; voting forms; printed forms; discount cards made of paper or cardboard; membership cards made of paper or cardboard; vouchers; certificates; letterheads; tickets; leaflets; posters; brochures; office requisites; teaching and instructional materials.

Class: 39
Collection, storage, transportation, arranging of transportation and delivery of packets, packages, parcels, letters, messages, newspapers, periodical publications, and freight goods, all by road, rail, air and water; collection and delivery of pre-sorted mail; mail forwarding services; courier services; rental of mail boxes; unloading of cargo; freight forwarding; guarded transport of valuables; warehousing; rental of warehouses; post restante services; advice and proof of delivery services; advisory services for the location of items in transit; provision of information on a website on the Internet or other computer network, such information relating to postal services; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid, including the provision of such services on-line from a computer database or via the Internet or extranets.

Class: 42
Design services relating to the publication of documents; information, consultancy and advisory services relating to all the aforesaid services, including the provision of such services on-line from an electronic database or via the Internet or extranets.
Date of Registration 20/07/2016
Date of Publication of Registration 05/04/2017
Priority Date 27/01/2016
Registration Renewed
Address for Service Bristows LLP
100 Victoria Embankment
London EC4Y 0DH